Results for 'Director of the Center for the Study of Nationalism Ernest Gellner'

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  1.  11
    Language and Solitude: Wittgenstein, Malinowski and the Habsburg Dilemma.Ernest Gellner & Director of the Center for the Study of Nationalism Ernest Gellner - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    Ernest Gellner's final book, first published in 1998, is a synoptic interpretation of the thought of Wittgenstein and Malinowski.
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    Ernest Gellner: an intellectual biography.John A. Hall - 2011 - New York: Verso.
    Ernest Gellner was a multilingual polymath who set the agenda in the study of nationalism and the sociology of Islam for an entire generation of academics and students. This definitive biography follows his trajectory from his early years in Prague, Paris and England to international success as a philosopher and public intellectual. Known both for his highly integrated philosophy of modernity and for combining a respect for nationalism with an appreciation for science, Gellner was (...)
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    Philōn Rhētōr, a Study of Rhetoric and Exegesis: Protocol of the Forty-seventh Colloquy, 30 October 1983.Thomas M. Conley & Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture - 1984 - Center for Hermeneutical Studies.
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    Ernest Gellner: selected philosophical themes.Ernest Gellner - 1973 - New York: Routledge.
    Ernest Gellner made major contributions in very diverse fields, notably philosophy and social anthropology. His attacks on the orthodoxies of his time made it difficult for him to be fully accepted into either of these academic communities, but that suited him well enough: he seemed to enjoy leading a one-man crusade for critical rationalism, defending enlightenment universalism against the rising tides of idealism and relativism. His influence spread far beyond social anthropology: the fierce tone of the polemics of (...)
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    Meaning: Protocol of the Forty Fourth Colloquy, 3 October 1982.Julian Boyd, John R. Searle & Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture - 1983
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    Nations and nationalism.Ernest Gellner - 1983 - Cornell University Press.
    This thoughtful and penetrating book, addressed to political scientists, sociologists, historians, and anthropologists, interprets nationalism in terms of its social roots, which it locates in industrial social organization. Professor Gellner asserts here that a society's affluence and economic growth depend on innovation, occupational mobility, the effectiveness of the mass media, universal literacy, and an all-embracing educational system based on a shared, standard idiom. These factors, taken together, govern the relationship between culture and the state. Political units that do (...)
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    Against Theory 2: Sentence Meaning, Hermeneutics : Protocol of the Fifty-second Colloquy, 8 December 1985.Steven Knapp, Walter Benn Michaels & Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture - 1986
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  8. Reply to critics.Ernest Gellner - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 48:623-686.
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  9. Review: Beyond Truth and Falsehood. [REVIEW]Ernest Gellner - 1975 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 26 (4):331 - 342.
  10.  71
    Contemporary Thought and Politics.Ernest Gellner - 1974 - Boston,: Routledge.
    Gellner's political philosophy in these volumes combines the down-to-earth realism of political sociology with a rational treatment of the normative issues of traditional political thought. In these essays Gellner strives to understand the religions of nationalism, communism and democracy, returning again and again to the basic values of the liberal: social tolerance, rational criticism, human decency and justice.
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]Ernest Gellner - 1983 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 34 (2):209 – 218.
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]Ernest Gellner - 1961 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 11 (44):209 – 218.
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    Assessing Gellner[REVIEW]Miriam Farhi-Rodrig - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (2):287-311.
    The philosophy of Ernest Gellner was much influenced by his studies in the social sciences. The philosophical problems he examined and the solutions he proposed originated there. To what extent does the legacy of Gellner influence the social sciences and current events and social transformations? More than a few of the essays in Ernest Gellner and Contemporary Social Thought find that while the questions he raised are fruitful, the answers he gave them do not pass (...)
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  14.  83
    Nature and society in social anthropology.Ernest Gellner - 1963 - Philosophy of Science 30 (3):236-251.
    This article is concerned to argue that the social sciences and notably social anthropology, must necessarily be concerned with the physical environment of the societies investigated (which includes the biological nature of its members), and not only with the social reality which is at the centre of their concern. This is argued with special reference to fields such as kinship and politics, and to social relationships such as paternity or feuding. The article is concerned to refute arguments put forward in (...)
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    Deina Ta Polla: Protocol of the Fifty-first Colloquy, 5 May 1985.Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, William R. Herzog & Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture - 1986
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    Tractatus Sociologico-Philosophicus.Ernest Gellner - 1984 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 17:247-259.
    Men make themselves radically different pictures of reality.The crucial word in this assertion is ‘radically’. Its full force is not often appreciated. But ‘picture’ also requires some elucidation. The term suggests, like the word ‘vision’, something relatively static. A ‘vision of reality’, a style of thought, a culture, is in fact an ongoing process, and one which contains internal options, alternatives, disagreements. There is no language in which one cannot both affirm and deny. Even, or perhaps especially, a culture which (...)
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  17.  41
    Words and things: an examination of, and an attack on, linguistic philosophy.Ernest Gellner - 1979 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Finding a powerful ally in Bertrand Russell, who provided the foreword for this book, Gellner embarked on the project that was to put him on the intellectual ...
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  18. Knowing How and Validity.Ernest Gellner - 1951 - Analysis 12 (2):25 - 35.
    The author discusses the "knowing how--Knowing that dichotomy" utilized by ryle in "concept of mind". In this article he attempts to show that intuitions do not exist. He critiques an article by toulmin on the subject and concludes that knowing how cannot be used to "solve discussions of validity," and is no substitute for "proof, Evidence or grounds." (staff).
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  19.  27
    Ernest Gellner and contemporary social thought.Siniša Malešević & Mark Haugaard (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Ernest Gellner was a unique scholar whose work covered areas as diverse as social anthropology, analytical philosophy, the sociology of the Islamic world, nationalism, psychoanalysis, East European transformations and kinship structures. Despite this diversity, there is an exceptional degree of unity and coherence in Gellner's work with his distinctly modernist, rationalist and liberal world-view evident in everything he wrote. His central problematic remains constant: understanding how the modern world came into being and to what extent it (...)
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    Ernest Gellner and Modernity.Michael Harry Lessnoff - 2002 - Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
    Ernest Gellner (1925-1995) was one of the major thinkers of the 20th century. He held major chairs in philosophy, sociology and social anthropology during his distinguished career and contributed to a wide range of political and philosophical debates, most notably in linguistic philosophy, the theory of political nationalism and the theory of history. Gellner was also an outspoken defender of the Enlightenment tradition and social democracy.
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    Words and Things: An Examination of, and an Attack on, Linguistic Philosophy, a Special Issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology.Ernest Gellner - 2005 - Routledge.
    When Ernest Gellner was his early thirties, he took it upon himself to challenge the prevailing philosophical orthodoxy of the day, Linguistic Philosophy. Finding a powerful ally in Bertrand Russell, who provided the foreword for this book, Gellner embarked on the project that was to put him on the intellectual map. The first determined attempt to state the premises and operational rules of the movement, Words and Things remains philosophy's most devastating attack on a conventional wisdom to (...)
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    The Break: Habermas, Heidegger, and the Nazis : Protocol of the Sixty-first Colloquy, 5 November 1989.Hans D. Sluga, Christopher Ocker & Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture - 1992
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  23. Addressing Fear Elimination in Soldiers: Ethical, Legal, and Strategic Implications for Modern Warfare.Kaja Kowalczewska Digital Justice Center & Wrocław - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-15.
    This article explores the multifaceted endeavour of enhancing soldiers' capabilities, particularly in light of emerging disruptive technologies, and underscores the imperative to assess the ethical, legal, and strategic implications thereof. Specifically, the study delves into a theoretical scenario involving the administration of a fear-reducing pill, positing its potential to substantially diminish the risk of PTSD without harmful side effects. The author examines whether fear, despite its reduction, remains an intrinsic and beneficial aspect of armed conflict and the military profession. (...)
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    Trauma and Healing 12th East-West Philosopher’s Conference May 24-31, 2024.East-West Center - forthcoming - Philosophy East and West.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CALL FOR PROPOSALS TRAUMA AND HEALING 12TH EAST-WEST PHILOSOPHER’S CONFERENCE MAY 24-31, 2024 The 12th East-West Philosopher’s Conference will explore the many dimensions of trauma and healing. While trauma can be physical, it can also be psychological, social, political, economic, and cultural—encompassing the immediate effects of global pandemics, the ongoing impacts of ethnic and gender bias, the intergenerational legacies of colonization and geopolitical strife, and the planetary ramifications of (...)
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  25. Words and things.Ernest Gellner - 1959 - Boston,: Beacon Press.
    Finding a powerful ally in Bertrand Russell, who provided the foreword for this book, Gellner embarked on the project that was to put him on the intellectual ...
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    Karl Popper-the thinker and the man.Ernest Gellner - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 49:75-86.
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    Replies to Richard Fumerton, John Greco, and Michael Williams.Ernest Sosa - 2011 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 1 (2):138-149.
    This is my response to three commentators—Richard Fumerton, John Greco, and Michael Williams—for a symposium on my book, Reflective Knowledge.
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  28. Relativism and the Social Sciences.Ernest Gellner - 1986 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 37 (3):367-369.
    This volume of essays deals with the problem of relativism, in particular cultural relativism. If our society knows better than other societies, how do we know that it knows better? There is a profound irony in the fact that this self-doubt has become most acute in the one civilisation that has persuaded the rest of the world to emulate it. The claim to cognitive superiority is often restricted, of course, to the limited sphere of natural science and technology; and that (...)
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  29.  34
    Scale and nation.Ernest Gellner - 1973 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 3 (1):1-17.
  30.  46
    Center for Cognitive Studies.Christopher Taylor & Daniel Dennett - unknown
    Incompatibilism, the view that free will and determinism are incompatible, subsists on two widely accepted, but deeply confused, theses concerning possibility and causation: (1) in a deterministic universe, one can never truthfully utter the sentence “I could have done otherwise,” and (2) in such universes, one can never really receive credit or blame for having caused an event, since in fact all events have been predetermined by conditions during the universe’s birth. Throughout the free will literature one finds variations on (...)
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    Culture, Identity, and Politics.Ernest Gellner - 1987 - Cambridge University Press.
    These essays explore the relationship between culture and politics in the modern world. They range in space from Iran to Algeria, and the eastern marchlands of Europe to the Atlantic, and in time over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. But they are all inspired by a cluster of linked preoccupations with the nature of the social order now emerging in the world and the kinds of moral and political legitimation it requires and permits. The essays are also linked by (...) Gellner's distinctive, and highly arresting, intellectual temper and style. The volume will interest a wide range of readers in the social sciences and philosophy. (shrink)
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    (1 other version)Book reviews : Reflections on language. By Noam Chomsky. London: Temple Smith. In association with Fontana books, 1976. Pp. 266. 5. [REVIEW]Ernest Gellner - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (4):421-424.
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    Books Received. [REVIEW]Ernest Gellner - 1979 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 9 (1):123.
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    Warfare and group solidarity: From Ibn Khaldun to Ernest Gellner and beyond.Sinisa Malesevic - 2021 - Filozofija I Društvo 32 (3):389-406.
    Ibn Khaldun and Ernest Gellner have both developed comprehensive yet very different theories of social cohesion. Whereas Ibn Khaldun traces the development of intense group solidarity to the ascetic lifestyles of nomadic warriors, for Gellner social cohesion is a product of different material conditions. In contrast to Ibn Khaldun?s theory, where all social ties are generated through similar social processes, in Gellner?s model the patterns of collective solidarity change through time, that is, different societies produce different (...)
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    Ideal language and kinship structure.Ernest Gellner - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (3):235-242.
    This paper is inter-disciplinary. Its disadvantage is that the author is not sufficiently conversant with the disciplines it is inter. He may however, like Lord Wavell, claim that at least the thread that binds them is his own.The paper is of philosophic interest in that it is inspired by, and hopes to shed some light on, the notion of an ideal language. It is of interest to social anthropology in that its main subject is kinship structure. It may be of (...)
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  36.  38
    Reason and Culture.Ernest Gellner - 1992 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Since the seventeenth century, Western society has had a turbulent relationship with Reason. Descartes set out to reorganize all his opinions in the light of Reason, allowing, as Pascal bitterly reproached him, nothing else. In the course of the centuries which followed, the relationship with Reason became the object of a vigorous, often passionate debate. David Hume declared Reason to be impotent; Immanuel Kant observed that men suffered from "misology" as the result of their disappointed expectations of Reason; G. W. (...)
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  37. Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (A Recommended Manuscript).Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai Ethics Committee - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (1):47-54.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14.1 (2004) 47-54 [Access article in PDF] Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research*(A Recommended Manuscript) Adopted on 16 October 2001Revised on 20 August 2002 Ethics Committee of the Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai, Shanghai 201203 Human embryonic stem cell (ES) research is a great project in the frontier of biomedical science for the twenty-first century. Be- cause the research (...)
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    News from the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (NRCBL) and the National Information Resource on Ethics and Human Genetics (NIREHG).National Reference Center for Bioet - 2007 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (4):399-403.
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    Working Memory in Nonsymbolic Approximate Arithmetic Processing: A Dual‐Task Study With Preschoolers.Iro Xenidou‐Dervou, Ernest C. D. M. Lieshout & Menno Schoot - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (1):101-127.
    Preschool children have been proven to possess nonsymbolic approximate arithmetic skills before learning how to manipulate symbolic math and thus before any formal math instruction. It has been assumed that nonsymbolic approximate math tasks necessitate the allocation of Working Memory (WM) resources. WM has been consistently shown to be an important predictor of children's math development and achievement. The aim of our study was to uncover the specific role of WM in nonsymbolic approximate math. For this purpose, we conducted (...)
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    Nationalism and African Communal Identity in Marguerite Abouet’s and Clement Oubrerie’s Aya de Yopougon.Richard Oko Ajah - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (3):85-99.
    Nationalism has become a contested construct because scholars doubt its ideological authenticity and global migratory consciousness, which promotes transcultural / transnational identity, and problematizes its raison d’être. Though Abouet and Oubrerie’s graphic novel could be read as a portrayal of the emerging urban center and its postmodern identities, this study rather investigates how Aya de Yopougon galvanizes juvenile nationalistic consciousness through age-long African communal identity. Using the postcolonial theory, the paper argues that the epistemology of nationalism, (...)
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  41.  3
    Words and Things; A Critical Account of Linguistic Philosophy and a Study in Ideology. With an Introd. by Bertrand Russell.Ernest Gellner - 1963 - Gollancz.
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    Personal Identity Matters.Graham Ernest Bloor - 2024 - Process Studies 53 (2):151-171.
    This article considers whether process philosophy can provide a more promising basis for understanding the closely related problems of persons and personal identity than more traditional or mainstream philosophical approaches. In particular, the article focuses on whether process conceptions of persons and personal identity provide an approach that offers greater potential for resolving the duplication and fission examples within the literature in this area than the approaches taken by Bernard Williams and Derek Parfit.
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  43. Structuralism, Modular Construction, and “Grid” As Universal Instruments for Building Designs.Ernest Shtepani & Klodjan Xhexhi - 2023 - International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 7:198-197.
    Structuralism can be defined as an important concept of using “units” as elements of form and space-giving, where the whole form is made not only up of a “texture”, a certain flexible grid, or an algorithm of shape-giving, but it depends also on the relationships created and how people use it. The hypothesis of this study is that “Modular Construction” can also have an aesthetically pleasing outlook and that modular housing can definitely have increasing importance in the future. Modular (...)
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  44. Spectacles and Predicaments.E. Gellner - 1982 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 33 (1):104-111.
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    Learning what it really costs: Teaching business ethics with life-cycle case studies. [REVIEW]Joseph R. DesJardins & Ernest Diedrich - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 48 (1):33-42.
    Sustainability informs the framework for a seminar that we teach for junior and senior undergraduates entitled "The Ethics and Economics of Sustainable Societies." One of the class requirements has each student research and write a life-cycle case study, an exercise in which they trace the full, or partial, life-cycle of some product with which they are familiar. Students are expected to examine the economic, ethical, and ecological implications along each step in the life-cycle of the product. We believe that (...)
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    On compliance with ethical standards in tax return preparation.Evelyn C. Hume, Ernest R. Larkins & Govind Iyer - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (2):229 - 238.
    The Statements on Responsibilities in Tax Practice (SRTPs) provide guidance to the CPA when making decisions in tax practice. Many of these decisions are ethical in nature and have implications for tax compliance. In this study, a survey methodology is used to test whether the SRTPs affect decisions that CPAs make. The findings suggest that a clear majority of CPAs follow the SRTPs when making ethical decisions relating to tax return preparation and that CPAs follow the SRTPs more often (...)
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  47.  56
    Legitimation of Belief.Ernest Gellner - 1974 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    One and many THE PLURALIST CHORUS There is a remarkable consensus on one point amongst recent thinkers and schools, even when they are otherwise radically ...
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    Differences in Common: Gender, Vulnerability and Community.Joana Sabadell-Nieto & Marta Segarra (eds.) - 2014 - Editions Rodopi.
    Differences in Common engages in the ongoing debate on ‘community’ focusing on its philosophical and political aspects through a gendered perspective. It explores the subversive and enriching potential of the concept of community, as seen from the perspective of heterogeneity and distance, and not from homogeneity and fused adhesions. This theoretical reflection is, in most of the essays included here, based on the analysis of literary and filmic texts, which, due to their irreducible singularity, teach us to think without being (...)
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  49. What is Logical Form?Ernest Lepore & Kirk Ludwig - 2002 - In Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter, Logical Form and Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 54-90.
    Bertrand Russell, in the second of his 1914 Lowell lectures, Our Knowledge of the External World, asserted famously that ‘every philosophical problem, when it is subjected to the necessary analysis and purification, is found either to be not really philosophical at all, or else to be, in the sense in which we are using the word, logical’ (Russell 1993, p. 42). He went on to characterize that portion of logic that concerned the study of forms of propositions, or, as (...)
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    Nestor - (D.) Frame Hippota Nestor. (Hellenic Studies 37.) Pp. x + 912, ills, maps. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, Center for Hellenic Studies, 2009. Paper, £25.95, €31.50, US$34.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-03290-3. [REVIEW]Benjamin Sammons - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (1):13-15.
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